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Category: Eye Health Articles

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Visual Nutrition & Holistic Eye Care

A young woman is happy in her kitchen, surrounded by healthy foods that help improve ocular health.

In the world of health and wellness, holistic practices are becoming increasingly acknowledged for their comprehensive approach to well-being.  One such area gaining traction is holistic eye care. This method emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet and lifestyle changes combined with regular eye exams to maintain healthy vision and ocular health.   What is Holistic […]

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Dry Eyes in Winter? Treatment & Causes

A young woman in a winter coat rubbing her left eye with her left hand.

Winter is a beautiful season with its chilly breezes and snowflakes falling from the sky. But for some people, winter can also be the season for dry and itchy eyes. The winter air can make your eyes feel dry and uncomfortable, leading to irritation, redness, and itching. Dry eyes in winter can happen to anyone, […]

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The Power & Importance of Vision Therapy for Correcting Eye Alignment & Convergence Problems in Children

Vision therapy is something that we are proud to offer our community. As leaders in this space, we believe that Neuro Visual Training is an underutilized tool that can help many kids not only look and see better, but also to improve their self-esteem and academic performance. If your child has an eye alignment problem […]

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How Vision Therapy Can Help With Recovering From a Concussion

Research has indicated that over 50% of people with concussions (or post-concussion syndrome) experience visual problems like double vision, eyestrain or eye pain. It’s good to know, then, that Neuro Visual Training can help with recovering from a concussion! As if getting smacked in the head isn’t bad enough, concussions can really mess with our sight […]

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