Adult & Senior Eye Exams in Scarborough

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Helping You Achieve Your Best Eyesight

At Vision Care Centre, we will assess your sight and eye coordination alongside the overall health of all parts of your visual system with a comprehensive eye exam. Our team is trained to ask the right questions to get the best understanding of your needs. Our goal is to determine an appropriate treatment plan that works for you.

We will work with you in a comfortable environment to keep you and your eyes healthy. If we pinpoint signs of an eye condition that is beyond our control, we will work in conjunction with an ophthalmologist to find you the treatment you need.

If you are 60 or older, it is recommended that you visit your optometrist annually to monitor your vision and pinpoint signs of eye disease before they progress. Chances of developing a degenerative eye condition, such as age-related macular degeneration, increases significantly as we age.

The Vision Care Eye Exam

According to the Canadian Association of Optometrists, 75% of vision loss is considered preventable or treatable with the assistance of regular eye exams.

When you visit us for an exam, we will determine your overall eye health with the use of comprehensive testing, digital retinal imaging, and optical coherence tomography.

After your examination, our optometrists will recommend a course of treatment for your specific needs, from dry eye evaluation to specialized procedures such as refractive surgery, genetic testing, and neuro-visual training.

The Vision Care Centre team recommends that you visit us for an examination at least once a year to maximize your chances of pinpointing an eye condition or disease.

What to Expect

During your exam, we will run a series of tests to evaluate your vision and overall ocular health.

We will examine your visual acuity with the use of a standard letter chart, called a Snellen chart. If necessary, we may use a phoropter to determine the level of prescription needed to give you clear vision.

We will assess your eye coordination, depth perception, and peripheral vision to pinpoint if you may need specialty eyeglasses or contact lenses to aid in treatment.

We will also test for colour deficiency, evaluate your binocular vision, and your overall ocular health with the assistance of digital retinal images and optical coherence tomography.

Our Location


3465 Kingston Road
Scarborough, ON M1M 1R4

Contact Information

Phone: 416-265-8777
Fax: 416-265-1338
[email protected]

Hours of Operations

9 AM5:30 PM
9 AM5:30 PM
9 AM7:30 PM
9 AM5:30 PM
9 AM3:30 PM

2021 Stat Holidays

Fri – 2 Apr Closed
Mon – 24 May Closed
Thurs – 1 July Closed
Mon – 6 Sept Closed
Mon – 11 Oct Closed
Mon – 27 Dec Closed
Tue – 28 Dec Closed

We are an essential service and we are open.

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