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Category: Eye Conditions

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Visual Nutrition & Holistic Eye Care

A young woman is happy in her kitchen, surrounded by healthy foods that help improve ocular health.

In the world of health and wellness, holistic practices are becoming increasingly acknowledged for their comprehensive approach to well-being.  One such area gaining traction is holistic eye care. This method emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet and lifestyle changes combined with regular eye exams to maintain healthy vision and ocular health.   What is Holistic […]

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Dry Eyes in Winter? Treatment & Causes

A young woman in a winter coat rubbing her left eye with her left hand.

Winter is a beautiful season with its chilly breezes and snowflakes falling from the sky. But for some people, winter can also be the season for dry and itchy eyes. The winter air can make your eyes feel dry and uncomfortable, leading to irritation, redness, and itching. Dry eyes in winter can happen to anyone, […]

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Ortho-K Lenses & Myopia Relief

A hand holding an Orthokeratology lens within a container holder.

Orthokeratology (ortho-k) lenses are specialty contacts designed for myopia control in children and young adults. They’re worn overnight and gently reshape the cornea to change how light reflects inside the eye, reducing the need for glasses during the day. They have also been shown to slow myopia progression by about 41–45% in children aged 7–13. […]

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When the cornea, the clear front surface of your eye containing the iris and pupil, is not formed correctly or curved irregularly, the condition is known as astigmatism. Common results include blurred vision at various differences, as light passing through the cornea is refracted and deflected at odd angles. It is not uncommon for nearly […]

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Strabismus (Crossed Eyes)

Crossed eyes or wandering eyes are known as strabismus, where a patient cannot align both eyes simultaneously during regular daily activities. The common result is where one eye will seem to be “locked on” to the object of focus, while the other eye will be turned in, out, up or down in relation to the […]

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Presbyopia (Aging Eyes & Vision)

Presbyopia is a vision condition experienced by almost all adults over the age of 45 at some point. As your eyes age, the lens at the front of the eye loses its flexibility and begins to make close focus activities such as reading or using a smartphone more difficult. Even adults experiencing myopia and hyperopia […]

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