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Myopia Control Lenses: Are They Right For Your Child?

A child smiles into the camera, holding up a pair of glasses in one hand and a contact lens case in the other.

In today’s digital age, more and more children are being diagnosed with myopia (nearsightedness). For parents, this can be a cause for concern, especially when considering the long-term implications of this condition on their child’s eye health and overall well-being.  Fortunately, there are many options for managing your child’s myopia, including myopia control lenses—these lenses, […]

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Visual Skills For Sports: How Vision Therapy Can Help

A young boy in red sticks his tongue out in concentration as he attempts to hit an incoming baseball with a wooden bat.

Sports are a huge part of our culture—from entertainment to social functions to exercise, watching or participating in sports can look different to different people. Obvious though it might seem, our vision significantly impacts our ability to participate in sports. As such, just like physical conditioning exercises are done to train physical fitness, neuro-visual therapy—also […]

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Visual Nutrition & Holistic Eye Care

A young woman is happy in her kitchen, surrounded by healthy foods that help improve ocular health.

In the world of health and wellness, holistic practices are becoming increasingly acknowledged for their comprehensive approach to well-being.  One such area gaining traction is holistic eye care. This method emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet and lifestyle changes combined with regular eye exams to maintain healthy vision and ocular health.   What is Holistic […]

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The Effect of Concussions on Vision

A man with a concussion with a bandage on his head.

Concussions, though often associated with symptoms like headaches and dizziness, also have the potential to significantly affect one’s vision. Concussions can impact visual health if parts of the brain involved in vision are damaged or injured.  If left untreated, the changes to your vision can begin to affect day-to-day activities. Your eye doctor can perform […]

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How Does Neurolens Work?

A young woman smiling and trying on glasses in a store while being assisted by an optician or optometrist

Eyes aren’t just windows to the soul. They’re integral links in the vast network of signals our complex brain receives. When these signals break down, you can start to experience headaches, neck pain, and eye strain. This can be most prevalent when working on screens, resulting in a condition called digital eye strain. Fortunately, Neurolens, […]

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Forma Dry Eye Treatment: How it Works?

A woman undergoing Forma dry eye treatment.

Dry eyes are a common issue for many patients. Thankfully, your eye doctor can diagnose and treat this condition. They can recommend treatments to help provide long-term symptom relief, like Forma.  Forma treatment uses radiofrequency to help reduce dry eye symptoms. Warming the eyelids helps restore function to your tears by unblocking your meibomian glands, […]

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IPL Dry Eye Treatment: What to Expect?

A woman with eyes closed rubbing her left eye with her left hand.

Dry eyes are not merely an occasional inconvenience; they can significantly impact the quality of your daily life. They’re a challenge that requires specialized care and attention. So, if you’ve been searching for relief, intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy could be your answer. IPL dry eye treatment uses precise pulses of light to melt blockages […]

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What Are the Benefits of Vision Therapy?

A woman in a sweater undergoing vision therapy conducted by an eye doctor.

Vision therapy is an innovative approach to improving the function of your eyes and visual system. It is an effective, non-invasive, and long-term solution to many visual perception problems. We develop a customized treatment plan in vision therapy to cater to your specific needs. The program may include vision exercises, prism lenses, filters, and other […]

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