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IPL Dry Eye Treatment: What to Expect?

A woman with eyes closed rubbing her left eye with her left hand.

Dry eyes are not merely an occasional inconvenience; they can significantly impact the quality of your daily life. They’re a challenge that requires specialized care and attention. So, if you’ve been searching for relief, intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy could be your answer. IPL dry eye treatment uses precise pulses of light to melt blockages […]

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What Are the Benefits of Vision Therapy?

A woman in a sweater undergoing vision therapy conducted by an eye doctor.

Vision therapy is an innovative approach to improving the function of your eyes and visual system. It is an effective, non-invasive, and long-term solution to many visual perception problems. We develop a customized treatment plan in vision therapy to cater to your specific needs. The program may include vision exercises, prism lenses, filters, and other […]

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Dry Eyes in Winter? Treatment & Causes

A young woman in a winter coat rubbing her left eye with her left hand.

Winter is a beautiful season with its chilly breezes and snowflakes falling from the sky. But for some people, winter can also be the season for dry and itchy eyes. The winter air can make your eyes feel dry and uncomfortable, leading to irritation, redness, and itching. Dry eyes in winter can happen to anyone, […]

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Ortho-K Lenses & Myopia Relief

A hand holding an Orthokeratology lens within a container holder.

Orthokeratology (ortho-k) lenses are specialty contacts designed for myopia control in children and young adults. They’re worn overnight and gently reshape the cornea to change how light reflects inside the eye, reducing the need for glasses during the day. They have also been shown to slow myopia progression by about 41–45% in children aged 7–13. […]

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The Power & Importance of Vision Therapy for Correcting Eye Alignment & Convergence Problems in Children

Vision therapy is something that we are proud to offer our community. As leaders in this space, we believe that Neuro Visual Training is an underutilized tool that can help many kids not only look and see better, but also to improve their self-esteem and academic performance. If your child has an eye alignment problem […]

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