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Myopia Control Lenses: Are They Right For Your Child?

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A child smiles into the camera, holding up a pair of glasses in one hand and a contact lens case in the other.

In today’s digital age, more and more children are being diagnosed with myopia (nearsightedness). For parents, this can be a cause for concern, especially when considering the long-term implications of this condition on their child’s eye health and overall well-being. 

Fortunately, there are many options for managing your child’s myopia, including myopia control lenses—these lenses, whether eyeglasses or contacts, can effectively manage and slow myopia progression in children. Vision Care Centre can help you choose the best option for your child’s eye health.

Understanding Myopia in Children

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a condition where distant objects appear blurry while close objects can be seen clearly. This occurs when the eyeball is too long or the cornea has too much curvature. With the increasing use of screens and less time spent outdoors, myopia is becoming more common among children.

What are Myopia Control Lenses?

Myopia control lenses are specialized contact lenses or eyeglasses designed to slow down myopia progression in children. These lenses use innovative technology to focus light in front of the retina, which can help reduce the elongation of the eyeball that causes myopia.

Orthokeratology lenses, or Ortho-K lenses, are particularly hard contact lenses worn at night. The lenses reshape your child’s cornea while they sleep, and the benefits persist into the next day, allowing them to skip wearing glasses or contacts in the daytime.

Key Benefits of Myopia Control Lenses for Children

1. Slows Down the Progression of Myopia

One of the most significant benefits of myopia control lenses is their ability to slow down the progression of myopia in children. By reducing the rate at which myopia worsens, these lenses can help prevent the need for stronger prescriptions over time.

2. Prevents or Minimizes Associated Eye Conditions

High myopia increases the risk of developing severe eye conditions such as retinal detachment, myopic maculopathy, and glaucoma. Myopia control lenses can help prevent or minimize these risks by early managing myopia progression.

3. Supports Academic & Extracurricular Activities

Clear vision is essential for a child’s academic performance and participation in extracurricular activities. Myopia control lenses allow children to see near and far, ensuring they can engage fully in their learning and play.

4. Improves Overall Eye Health

By reducing myopia progression, these lenses contribute to better overall eye health. This can result in a lower risk of complications and a healthier vision for your child in the long term.

5. Non-Invasive and Comfortable

Myopia control lenses offer a non-invasive and comfortable solution for managing myopia in children. These lenses are designed with children in mind, ensuring they are easy to wear and adjust to.

Addressing Common Concerns & Misconceptions

A child sits in an optometrist's chair, looking through a phoropter. The optometrist stands beside the child, pointing at an eye chart outside the picture.

Misconception: Myopia Control Lenses are Only Effective for Older Children

Fact: Myopia control lenses are effective for children of various ages. Early intervention is key to slowing the progression of myopia, so it’s never too early to start considering myopia control options for your child.

Concern: Potential Discomfort or Difficulty in Adjusting to Wearing Myopia Control Lenses

Fact: Modern myopia control lenses are designed to be comfortable and easy to wear. With proper guidance and a short adjustment period, most children adapt well to these lenses.

Misunderstanding: The Cost Implications and Insurance Coverage

Fact: While myopia control lenses may have a higher upfront cost than regular lenses, their long-term benefits can outweigh the initial investment. Check with your insurance provider to see if they cover these specialized lenses.

Fear of Dependency on Myopia Control Lenses

Fact: Myopia control lenses are a management tool, not a dependency. Their purpose is to slow down the progression of myopia, reducing the need for stronger prescriptions in the future.

Lack of Awareness

Many parents are not aware that myopia control lenses are an option for managing their child’s myopia. If you’re concerned about your child’s vision, ask an optometrist whether myopia control lenses might be a good fit.

Your Next Steps

Myopia control lenses are powerful tools for managing and slowing myopia progression in children. By understanding the benefits and addressing common concerns, you can make an informed decision about your child’s eye health. 

If you’re interested in exploring whether myopia control lenses are suitable for your child, Vision Care Centre can guide you through different options and help you make the best possible choice for your child’s eye health. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Written by Vision Care Centre

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