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Category: Myopia

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Myopia Control Lenses: Are They Right For Your Child?

A child smiles into the camera, holding up a pair of glasses in one hand and a contact lens case in the other.

In today’s digital age, more and more children are being diagnosed with myopia (nearsightedness). For parents, this can be a cause for concern, especially when considering the long-term implications of this condition on their child’s eye health and overall well-being.  Fortunately, there are many options for managing your child’s myopia, including myopia control lenses—these lenses, […]

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Ortho-K Lenses & Myopia Relief

A hand holding an Orthokeratology lens within a container holder.

Orthokeratology (ortho-k) lenses are specialty contacts designed for myopia control in children and young adults. They’re worn overnight and gently reshape the cornea to change how light reflects inside the eye, reducing the need for glasses during the day. They have also been shown to slow myopia progression by about 41–45% in children aged 7–13. […]

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