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Category: Holistic Eye Care

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Visual Skills For Sports: How Vision Therapy Can Help

A young boy in red sticks his tongue out in concentration as he attempts to hit an incoming baseball with a wooden bat.

Sports are a huge part of our culture—from entertainment to social functions to exercise, watching or participating in sports can look different to different people. Obvious though it might seem, our vision significantly impacts our ability to participate in sports. As such, just like physical conditioning exercises are done to train physical fitness, neuro-visual therapy—also […]

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Visual Nutrition & Holistic Eye Care

A young woman is happy in her kitchen, surrounded by healthy foods that help improve ocular health.

In the world of health and wellness, holistic practices are becoming increasingly acknowledged for their comprehensive approach to well-being.  One such area gaining traction is holistic eye care. This method emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet and lifestyle changes combined with regular eye exams to maintain healthy vision and ocular health.   What is Holistic […]

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