Neurolens Technology in Scarborough

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What is Neurolens?

Neurolens glasses are designed to address a condition where the eyes struggle to cooperate effectively, known binocular vision dysfunction. Typically, the different images transmitted by each eye get seamlessly integrated by the brain to form a complete image. However, misalignment can cause the brain to exert additional effort on the trigeminal nerve while merging the images. Neurolens glasses help your eyes to work together more effectively, reducing the strain that can cause headaches.

Neurolenses can be used to treat conditions such as:

  • Headaches
  • Neck & shoulder pain
  • Eye Strain
  • Light sensitivity
  • Dizziness
  • Dry eye

Relief from Headaches, Eye Fatigue, Neck Pain & More is Possible

57% of people suffer from headaches, neck pain, dizziness, eye fatigue, and dry eye that may be symptoms of eye misalignment.

The good news is that 93% of patients experienced relief from those painful symptoms after wearing Neurolenses. For 82% of patients who suffered from chronic daily headaches, they reported their symptoms were substantially reduced or “basically gone” after wearing Neurolenses for 90 days.

How Neurolenses Can Relieve Headache Pain

Listen to a neurologist explain the science behind Neurolens and how they made an “unheard of” improvement on patients with headaches.

How Do I Know if Neurolenses are Right for Me?

To begin, answer the questions in the Lifestyle Index Form below. If you score a 4 or higher for the first 3 questions or at least three 3’s in all of the questions, you are a prime candidate for Neurolens.

Call to Book

Please call us directly to book an appointment at 416-265-8777. To learn more about Neurolens technology visit

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