Protection in an Increasingly Digital World
It is no surprise that in the modern world, technology has become intertwined with everyday life. We sit at computers for many of our jobs, requiring us to focus at different ranges and levels than what our eyes naturally want to focus on, which can cause eye strain and fatigue.
Digital eye strain is a common condition that occurs from poor device usage or uncorrected refractive errors. Common symptoms of digital eye strain include:
- Sore, tired, burning, or itchy eyes
- Overly watery or dry eyes
- Blurred or distorted vision
- Headache
- Sore neck, shoulders, and back
- Increased sensitivity to light
- Difficulty concentrating
- Fatigue
If you are experiencing sudden changes in vision or prolonged discomfort, please schedule a comprehensive eye examination to evaluate your eyes and detect any underlying causes.
Why do Digital Devices Cause Eyestrain?
Typically, the devices themselves are not the main culprit for causing fatigue and discomfort. Blue light emitted from digital devices has been shown to affect your circadian rhythm. However, there is no significant evidence that blue light causes damage to the eyes.
Poor usage habits most commonly cause digital eye strain. Typically, we blink around 15 to 20 times per minute, but when we are using digital devices, that amount falls to around half as often.
Digital screens are often viewed too close or too far away, making it difficult for the eyes to focus for extended periods. Couple less-than-ideal viewing distances with distracting glare or reflections on screens and the eyes can quickly become fatigued.
Poor posture can also play a significant role in tired muscles and sore eyes. Using devices at makeshift work stations where you cannot sit comfortably puts unnecessary stress on your eyes and muscles.